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Experiences of Osatoshi (guiding of spirits)


Choko Tereza Ito

I was always searching for "The best way to save the people", and I have been studying philosophies, religions and spiritualism from all over the world.


I studied and practiced Sukyo Mahikari - one Japanese spiritual path -for 22 years with devotion, trying to help the people and spreading the teachings in Thailand. But finally I concluded that there were many spiritual mysteries that even Mahikari could not explain.


And then some miracle happened...


How I came to know Shinri

Andréa Santos

My name is Andrea Santos and I live in Brazil. My religious background is catholic. 
I myself believed that God was the origin of everything, but yet I had many questions in my mind such as: how would be our life after death? Would we meet our beloved persons after death? Does Karma really exist?

Fortunately, I found the answers for these questions in Allan Kardec's spiritual books. I read all his books, especially "The Book of Spirits" that I read twice to find the reasons for what we call "coincidences of life". I could understand the contents of Bible well only after reading one of his books, "Preaching of Bible according to Spiritualism".

I was finding answers for my questions, but yet it was not enough...


Concrete Changes in Life With the Help of Shinri



​To all those who read this web board:

I would like to share with all of you the changes that I have experienced in my life since I got in contact with the Shinri Association.
I am a Brazilian, living in Thailand for almost 10 years.
About a year and a half ago, I was going through some very difficult time in my life. I was facing trouble at home with family issues, and at work. I also had financial problems, and to add to all this I had family members who were sick. Although I tried hard to solve my problems, they seemed to be too many, so I didn't even know where to start from. 
Please allow me now to speak a little bit about my background:...


Experiences of Following Spiritual Path of 
"Shinri = Kaminori" no Kenkyukai

Ranjna Jindal


I came to know about "Sukyo Mahikari" - one Japanese spiritual path - in 1996 and became a member of it in 1998.

I practiced it very sincerely for more than 11 years and experienced many divine miracles for myself as well as for others whom I tried to help with the Mahikari practices.

However, there were still some questions in my mind for which I could not find the answers in Mahikari teachings. And then something happened in July 2009 which changed the course of my life from "Sukyo Mahikari" to a new spiritual path...


My Experience with Shinri

Pura Garcia de Bullen


I am Pura Garcia de Bullen from Venezuela. In 2008 I met Dr. Tereza through my Prof. Ranjna Jindal who had introduced me to the spiritual path of Sukyo Mahikari that she was practicing in Bangkok, Thailand.

At that time, I was suffering from a physical condition called coccygodynia or coccydynia, which causes pain around the coccyx area or tail bone. I had this condition for about 4 years already. I could not sit in one position for more than 5 minutes. Changing positions was an awfully horrible experience, changing sides while sleeping was an odyssey, and being in a plane for many hours was a nightmare. During those four years I tried many options...

The Best Way to Follow God

Maria Yumiko Portella


I came to know about Shinri through my sister Choko Tereza who lives in Thailand. At the beginning, I was little bit afraid, because it was something that was involved with spirits.

However, I experienced an improvement in my sinus problem with the help of osatoshi - a spiritual practice in Shinri, so I realized that this problem was caused by spiritual disturbance.

There were many friends at my workplace with various health problems, so I told them about the good effect of osatoshi. And some of them asked my sister to do osatoshi for them with excellent results.

What impressed me most was the experience of my friend Fàbio, who had improved the serious problem of his three herniated discs...


Osatoshi to save the victims of accidents


(Accident on July 17, 2007, at Congonhas Airport - SP - BRAZIL)
Held on February 4, 2013, Andrea Santos de Almeida.


Number of deaths: 199 (187 passengers and crew members, and 12 people who were on the ground when the plane crashed into a storage at another part of the track and exploded).

The Osatoshi was requested to Choko Tereza Ito, who asked permission to The Supreme God of Light (Creator God) and asked Him for the Shinri gods' assistants to come to bring protection and make all the necessary arrangements so Andrea could safely perform the Osatoshi.

Mr. Utsumi, our master, taught us that we can save not only those who died in the accident but also those who caused the accident...


Osatoshi to save the earth-bound spirits


Held on 23 April 2013 by Choko Tereza Ito with Andrea Santos de Almeida as medium.


There was an osatoshi request for a factory located in Ontario, Canada, to save the earth-bound spirits of this factory. The reason for the osatoshi request was the frequent equipments' failure and the lack of enthusiasm of the workers.

The first group of spirits appearing in osatoshi was of human spirits imprisoned in that factory. These were hundreds of Eskimos imprisoned by a group of extra-terrestrials. They were all liberated and sent to heaven through this osatoshi. They were causing damages to the factory's equipment as well as were disturbing the workers.

The next to appear was a group of above mentioned extra-terrestrials. They had a human-like body, but with bigger head and eyes. Their hands were like the crab's hands (scissors-like hands) and they were violent...

God, Truth, Universe, Heaven, Spirits, Life, Study

© 2014 BY SHINRI, created by Andrea Mendes Ribeiro

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